Learn to Solo Skydive with Skydive East Texas

After you complete your first tandem dive, you’ve taken the first step to becoming a licensed solo skydiver.

Skydive East Texas has built an Accelerated Freefall course according to the United States Parachute Association’s “Integrated Student Program.”

This course will teach you everything you need to get your solo license.

It’s a skills-based course complete with assessments that will guarantee you can skydive on your own–safely.

Book Your First Dive

Tandem Progression Jumps

Your first step to getting your USPA A license is three tandem jumps with a certified instructor. These will help you get acquainted with skydiving, allowing you to experience the whole procedure safely.

Ground School

Ground school is a safety course to help you learn everything you need to know for your first solo dive.

Curriculum includes:

  • Overview of skydiving equipment
  • Aircraft procedures
  • Freefall maneuvers
  • Canopy deployment
  • Post deployment control
  • Malfunctions

Get Licensed to Dive

Accelerated Freefall Jumps

Accelerated Freefall, often called Instructor-Assisted Freefall, will be your first solo jumps. An instructor will skydive with you and assist should you need it. Other than that, you’re in total control of the jump.

Each AFF jump will teach you valuable skills you need, including maneuvering, low altitude jumps, and more.

Get Licensed To Dive

Coach Jumps

When you complete our course you’re given a free graduation dive.

To get licensed, you’ll need to complete a few more jumps in order to qualify, demonstrating that you’ve learned everything you need to know to dive on your own.

Get Licensed to Dive

Getting Your USPA License

In order to qualify for your USPA A license, you’ll need to complete a minimum of 25 dives with a licensed USPA instructor.

You’ll need to take and pass a written and oral exam. After doing that, you’re licensed to dive.

Get Started

Solo Skydive License Training

  1. Tandems 1-3 $260.00 each
  2. Solo Ground School $100.00
  3. Accelerated Freefall 1-7 $199.00 each
  4. Hop & Pop 1-2 $130.00 each

Total for Tandem and AFF student portion (if all levels passed) - $2,533.00

Coach Jumps (as necessary) - $95.00

It takes 25 jumps to complete requirements for a United States Parachute Association A license. After completion of AFF and any necessary coach jumps your jump costs are the same as a licensed skydiver.

You can find a pdf of the Student Information Manual (SIM) at https://www.uspa.org.

Licensed Skydivers

Licensed Sport Jumps Full Altitude - $30
H&P Partial Altitude - $28
Gear Rental - $25

Sport Jumpers are very welcome! Please call ahead of time to confirm when we will be jumping.